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By Jonathan Parsons

Waukegan, IL – The 2014 USJN Windy City Classic drew over 320 teams to the Chicagoland area for the second consecutive year and featured 317 college recruiters looking to find that next great roster addition.  Hosted in the Waukegan Field House and Rec Plex in Pleasant Prairie, WI the event showcased teams from as near as the Midwest to as far as California, Georgia, and Colorado. Here are some of the athletes who got their club season off to a good start and caught the watchful eye of evaluators.


Madeline Bazelak (Ohio – Dayton Lady Hoopstars 17 Premier 6’0 G/F) – Shooter with smooth release. Has to speed it up for the next level. Very RH when dribbling. Had a nice stutter step with finish. Fronted the post on D inside.

Shannon Coffee (Ohio – Dayton Lady Hoopstars 17 Premier 6’5 C) – Very active for a big. Had some nice offensive rebounds and put backs. Was able to finish off balance multiple times. Smooth FTs. Great inside foot work and feel for the game. Hands are very good. Finishes in the paint at a high rate.

Sydney Bauman (Ill. – Lady Lightning 17 Platinum 6’3 C) – Very active in the post on defense. Runs very well for size. Had a real nice catch on the run with a good finish. Average touch outside of the paint.

Emily Eshoo (Ill. – Rockets 17 Ondik 5’9 PG/G) – High basketball IQ guard who plays very hard all the time. Strong handle with both hands. Smooth stroke on jump shot. Can score off the bounce or the catch. Loves going right and needs to develop more confidence attacking left.

Claire Ferguson (Kan. – Eclipse 17 Red 6’2 C) – Great body. Establishes post position well inside. Loves her LH finish, needs to improve her RH finish. Draws contact and gets to the line and makes her FTs. Very coachable kid.

Jordyn Frantz (Ind.- MBA Select 17 6’0 PG/G) – Great size guard with a smooth three point shot. Good first step. Reads passing lanes on D for steals. Tough kid. Needs to read the D quicker and decide how she wants to attack off the ball screen.

Darby Glaab (Ohio – Cincinnati Heat Premier 17 Lykins 6’1 F) – Good physical size. Takes hits, gets to the line, and hits her FTs. Needs to turn those plays into And 1s. Needs to box out more consistently on the defensive end.

Kayla Goth (Wis. – Elite 17 Johnson 6’0 PG/G) – Good size guard with a smooth three point shot. Pushes the tempo. Scorer’s mentality but can be passive at times. Had a few questionable passing decisions when she should’ve shot on the drive. Hustles all the time. Reads passing lanes on D. Very good going right, needs to improve her left hand.

Megan Gustafson (Wis. – Team Wisconsin Select 17 Black 6’4 C) – D1 ready body. Very active on D. Good mobility and athleticism. Very physical inside. Gets every rebound and lands on balance. Keeps the ball high. Lefty. Needs to hold her seal a little bit longer inside.

Daley Handy (KS-Eclipse 17 Red 5’9 G) – Strong drives to the hoop. Kept the ball protected vs. contact, but needs to improve her finishing ability. Nice shot from three.

Marsha Howard (Ill. – Meanstreets 17 Elite 6’1 G/F) – Athlete with ups. Very RH. Sees the court very well but her passing decision making skills need improvement.

Madelyne Johnson (Ill. – Rockets 17 Ondik 6’2 F) – Good body and size for a 4 player. Uses her length on the perimeter to drive to the hoop. Plays hard. Good hedge on ball screens on D. High basketball IQ.

Taylor Jones (Mich. – Monarchs 16 Brown 5’8 G) – Hit a three off the catch. Good athlete, but needs strength. Good hands on D. Nice pass fake on her drive to the hoop that opened up the lane to the basket.

Jess Lews (Colo. – Rockies 17 Black 5’9 PG) – High IQ PG with smooth three point shot and deep range. Pushes the tempo by passing up the sidelines. Head is always up and evaluating what she sees on the court. Good athlete. Stepped in and drew a couple charges on D. Smart player.

Amber Lindfors (Ill. – Elite 17 National 6’4 C) – Good size and body with OK speed. Works for post position inside and is able to use her strength to hold off the defense. Needs to improve her finishing skills inside. Finds the ball well when rebounding.

Jennifer Mackowiak (Ill. – Elite 17 National 5’8 PG/G) – Good athlete with a high basketball IQ. Reads the D accurately and attacks accordingly. Good explosiveness on her cuts and drives. Sees the court and passes very well. Up-tempo player. Scorer’s mentality. Smooth stop and pop from 15’ in transition.

Claire Marburger (Iowa – Kingdom Hoops 17 Elite 5’11 G/F) – Lefty with a nice three point shot and high release. Step slow on D. Had a nice And 1, was able to take the hit and get the ball to the rim.

Ashley Reed (Wis. – WBA Prestige 17 Blue 6’2 F/G) – Plays hard. Had a few nice drives from the wing. Can post up inside but needs to get more physical and box out. Passing decisions need to improve, but she reads the game well and understands the play.

Jasmin Samz (Wis. – Team Wisconsin Select 17 Black 5’9 PG) – Stays ahead on D and was able to draw multiple charges over the course of the weekend. Strong body. Sees the defense when she is on offense and reads them very well to make good passing decisions. Very smooth pull up jump shot. Always goes hard to the hoop and finishes pretty well. Scorer’s mentality. Great basketball IQ. Tough

Payton Sims (Mich. – Sting Elite 17 Stine 5’10 G) – Smart player with a good understanding of the game. Nice shot from three with range past the three point line. Good athlete. Not very comfortable with the ball in her hands in the full court setting.

La’techia Smith (Calif. – FBC 17 Select 5’6 PG/G) – High motor guard who is explosive when she needs to be. Strong athlete with good ups. Pushes the tempo with the dribble. Has quick hands on D. Can get to the rack with a solid finish. Pretty good body control, had a nice And 1 with an off balance finish.

Paris Strawther (Nev. – Lady Heat Elite 17 6’3 F/C) – Strong drop step baseline with physical finish. Mobile inside player who can stretch it out to the three point line. Good body control. Can finish with both hands around the basket.

Brittany Ward (Ind. – Elite 17 6’0 G/F) – Great finisher inside. Uses her strong body to take hits and convert them to And 1s. Had a nice baseline drive from the corner with an aggressive finish. Squared up every time she caught the ball.

Kyra Washington (Ill. – Lady Lightning 17 Platinum 6’1 G/F) – Smooth stroke with range well past the three point line. Reads screens well on O. Crashed for offensive rebounds and was able to get a couple of put backs. Awareness and basketball IQ are solid. Needs to work harder on the defensive side of the basketball.

Peyton Winters (Ill. – Lady Lightning 17 Platinum 6’3 C) – Solid body. Nice catch hi/lo with a finish off the glass. Loves her RH hook off the glass back to the basket. Holds her position well inside. Had a nice shot block against the drive. OK defender outside of the paint.

Madison Wolf (Wis. – Lakers 17 White 6’3 C) – Always dribbles in the post. Had a nice LH baby hook and second ups inside. Needs to see the double team coming and react quicker.


Asheika Alexander (Ga. – Playmakers 5’9 G/F) – Athlete with ups. Very explosive off the bounce. Turns on the jets to get by defenders. Finishes off balance and with contact. Hit a three. Open court handle is OK.

Shae Brey (Wisc. -Team Wisconsin Select 17 Black 6’1 G/F) – High basketball IQ. Crisp passer. Solid body. Three point shot is pretty good. Not a great finisher but had a nice And 1. Fights through screens for deflections on D.

Savannah Buck (Ind. – Always 100 17 Buck 5’7 PG) – Uptempo player. Pretty good passer with good court vision. On balance on D. Cuts hard off screens.

Taylor Frederick (Iowa – Western Iowa Express 17 6’1 C) – Great body. Powers up inside to finish. Has a nice touch inside. Tough kid. Mobile. Good belly up post D. Talks on D.

Alayna Gribble (Pa. – Western PA Bruins 17 Cash 6’0 G) – Strong body. Nice take and finish. Very smooth three point shot, and likes to shoot it from anywhere. Reads passing lanes very well. Handle is pretty good.

Abbey Hoff (Mo. – Blue Star St. Louis 16 Knights 6’1 F) – Lefty. Good fundamentals. Converted a LH baby hook back to the basket inside. Pursues the ball for rebounds and can dribble out. Nice post entry pass from the wing.

Sarah Humphrey (Ill. – Meanstreets 17 Elite 6’1 F) – Raw athlete. Needs to stay on her feet on D. Some questionable passing decisions, especially vs. press. Face up player 15’ and in.

Julia Jenike (Ohio – Cincinnati Angels 16 5’9 G) – Solid body. Smooth three point shot. Catch in rhythm shooter. Fights for rebounds inside. Attacks hard off ball screen from wing with finish.

Kyleigh Kubik (Ind. – Hoosier Premier 17 Red 5’8 G) – Green light shooter with a pretty nice stroke. Solid handle, but struggles vs. high pressure.

Katie Lacefield (Mo. – Blue Star St. Louis 16 Knights 5’7 PG/G) – High motor guard. Had a great LH drive And 1. Good pressure on defense, always is ahead of the ball. Strong upper body who is very aggressive. Goes both ways with her handle.

Ericka Mattingly (Kan. – MoKan Elite 17 5’8 PG/G) – Future Wichita State Shocker. High awareness and understanding of the game. Great hustle. Cuts very hard away from the ball on offense. Seems to be a step ahead every play.

Kristen Nelson (Mich. – Monarchs 16 Brown 5’9 G) – Nice shot from three off the catch. Can handle in the open court. Finishes around the hoop. Good feel for the game.

Robbi Ryan (Colo. – Premier 17 Red 5’9 PG/G) – Strong body guard with great court vision. Pushes the tempo by passing up sideline. Good athleticism. Elevates smoothly for her pull up jump shot in transition. Has a nice three point shot. Finishes inside.

Jayla Scaife (Ind. – Hoosier Elite 16 Grennes 5’11 G/F) – Good athlete. Finishes high in transition. Uses body well to get to the rack. Pretty good explosiveness. Hit the game winning three point shot from half court to win the final game.

Lauren Van Kluenen (Ohio – Cincinnati’s Finest 17 Black 6’1 F) – Great fundamental player. Good hands and athleticism. Finishes inside. Solid strength.

Danielle Wells (OH-Cincinnati Heat Premier 17 Lykins 5’8 PG) – Attacks the hoop off the bounce and dishes the ball really well. Needs to finish with contact. Very RH.

Aaliyah Wilson (Okla. – Blue Star Oklahoma 17 And 1 5’10 PG/G) – Big time athlete with ups. Passes off the bounce well. Handles with both hands. Super high basketball IQ. Plays hard. Attacks the hoop and gets to the rack with ease. Smooth three point shot.


Libby Bazelak (Ohio – Dayton Lady Hoopstars 17 Premier 5’9 PG/G) – Great body. Solid handle but gets herself into trouble. Good motor. Smooth three point shot. Good feet on D. Works hard on the court.

Naomi Johnson (Mo. – Blue Star St. Louis 16 Knights 5’8 PG/G) – Athletic. Great first step on baseline drives. Smooth shot from 3. Handles pretty well. Nice look ahead to teammates. Works on the ball on D. Decision making in key situations is OK.

Nicole Konieczny (Ind. – Hoosier Premier 17 Red 5’7 PG/G) – Handles with both hands. High basketball IQ. Always hustles. Strong body. High motor guard. Moves the ball up the sidelines well. Attacks the hoop hard and finishes. Very aggressive on D. Ball pressure is consistent.

Carlie Littlefield (Iowa – Kingdom Hoops 17 Elite 5’9 PG) – Good distributor. Stays ahead on D. Good foot work. Very good on ball defender. Crashes for rebounds and looks to push right away.

Braxtin Miller (Ohio – Cincinnati Angels 16 5’9 PG/G) – Athletic. Smooth three point shot. Shot selection at times is questionable. Handles with both hands. Can turn it on at any given moment. Nice hi/lo pass. Good ball pressure on D. Good recovery on D.

Daly Sullivan (Ind. – Hoosier Elite 16 Grennes 5’9 PG) – Slight build with good speed and quickness. Good three pointt shot. Sets her teammates up very well. Ball handling is pretty good.

Madison Wise (Ind. – Indy Magic 16 Blanding 6’1 G/F) – Very nice 3pt shot off the catch. Good athlete overall. Drove hard and converted a few And 1s. Nice 1 on 1 wing drive. High IQ kid. Anticipates really well on D. Open court handle.


Taylor Petit (Wisc. – Team Wisconsin Select 17 Black 5’7 PG/G) – Had a nice And 1 in transition. Plays hard. Smooth turnaround jump shot from the baseline. Speed and quickness is good.

Jonathan Parsons is a National Evaluator for Blue Star Basketball. A former college coach, Parsons served on the staff at Brown University, New Haven and Sacred Heart. His passion for the game started at the grassroots level as part of the Connecticut Breeze organization.

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