LAS PALMAS de GRAN CANARIA (Spain)—Day one of the first annual Blue Star 30 Europe is in the books and like their American counterparts, there were some tired athletes when all was said and done. Of course, a dose of that cool breeze coming off the water around the island of Gran Canaria does wonders to revitalize anybody upon leaving the gym including young athletes and old writers alike.
Day one was nose to the grindstone right away kicking things off with fundamental station work that has gone on the missing list at all too many camps and clinics. All players and all positions worked each station with some top notch coaching looking over their shoulder each repetition. The “Great Revealer”, also known as three on three, was up next offering evaluators courtside a glimpse of the tools and potential that made this select young group worthy of a Blue Star 30 invitation. The action ultimately moved to fullcourt to finish the day giving everyone a chance to see who’s game was going to translate beyond drills and halfcourt play.
There won’t be a letdown Saturday with more training and competition on the horizon for this talented group of 2022’s and 2023’s. Scroll below to get a look at the 30 players making up the camp roster for the first ever Blue Star 30 Europe. Potential never comes with a guarantee but there are some names that you could safely wager will be well known in Europe and in the USA before all is said and done. Click on the top banner or any image to see the entire group of athletes as a slideshow.
The see our introduction coverage from here in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria follow the link below. Be sure to also check out all the action on social media as well with updates on both Twitter and Instagram from Dan Bowmaker, Paul Nilsen, Pierre Ploszajski and of course Mike Flynn. Tom Hyland is also producing some top notch video well worth checking out.
Things will wrap up Sunday afternoon but there’s still plenty of action, training and evaluating to be done. Check back with Blue Star Media for more from Gran Canaria and the first ever Blue Star 30 Europe.